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Nature Connected Leadership Discussion Module 1.2 (Summer 18)
Posted by Michael on June 27, 2018 at 4:40 pmMichael Sheriedan replied 6 years, 5 months ago 7 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
I found this exercise to be both difficult and revealing. Truth be told, I am not living in alignment with my vision, at least not fully. My life seems full of obstacles that prevent me from realizing my dream—a work schedule that is difficult, medical and mental health issues, and life with a 2 year old all seem to slow me down or out right prevent me from living the life I want to live.
Asking the question to Soul and the Vision Council reminded me of a few things:
1. I have the tools necessary to overcome these perceived obstacles. I have completed other EBI courses and have worked with an EBI trained coach. They reminded me that like an acorn, I have all the power already within me to flourish and rule my forest.
2. Despite these perceived obstacles, I am steadfast in my goal to become a life coach. They reminded then of my daughter, fearless in her endeavors to climb on the back of the couch and go down the big slide at the park. What could be seen as an obstacle or fear to her, she conquers. The boulder I perceive to be blocking my path toward fulfilling my dream, she climbs over and yells “AGAIN!”
3. The more I speak of my obstacles and fears and doubts, the smaller they appear, as if the mention of them weakens their power. My vision council reminds me that I am not alone and to ask for help when I need it.In an attempt to realign myself and strive toward my goals, I have tried to find ways to overcome those obstacles. I have found a sit spot that works a little better for me, I have scheduled a doctor’s appointment (a task I am years overdue for) and I had a good talk with both my wife and my boss about why I haven’t been my full self lately.
I always enjoy reading your responses, you were in the last EBI course as well. I’ve noticed how strong your daughter is in your vision. Children are always such good examples of the pure vision and innocence of life. Always running around and exploring so freely, both internally and externally.
The fact that you have noticed that you are not living your vision I believe is a big part of vision. A lot of people may just become stuck in situation and not really see a way out. It seems to me that you at least have that knowledge of something not quiet being right, and I see that as a big part of vision. If we never open our eyes then how can we expect to see?
I also love the metaphor with the acorn and the tree. I find myself thinking of how powerful this statement truly is as well. You see it too, that everything may already be there from the seed of change/thought.
Cory! I was so glad to see that you joined this class. It was good to have a familiar face. And am I correct that you will be in the January cohort? If so, it will be great to actually meet you.
Yes, my daughter plays a huge part in my vision. Her birth was the catalyst for me wanting to change myself and realign towards my vision. I want to make her proud and raise her in a way that reflects what is important.
I am thankful that I have the tools necessary now to know when something isn’t right. My growth since finding EBI has been noticed by many of my family members and coworkers.
Josh, I admire and appreciate the honesty you share with us in your post. I am sure it was not easy to admit your struggle, but facing it and verbalizing it is where our strength lies!
Acknowledging and knowing that you have all the tools inside of you is the first step toward authentic soul-connection, but the journey only starts there. You said “my life SEEMS full of obstacles” and “perceived obstacles” tells me that you are aware that the lens through which you are seeing things can and needs to be changed. We can play the victim role on our journey and allow these perceived obstacles to get in our way, but like a tiny mouse with a big shadow they are only an illusion once we really face them. Taking ownership and responsibility requires courage and bravery, but that is why we are here on this planet. Just like your daughter climbing over boulders with a smile on her face, so can you do the same.
And in my personal experiences I would say it’s not about being fearless. Fear is good. We need fear, but we also need to adjust our relationship it. See it, understand it, love it and still take action in spite of it. Use fear as fuel on the fire as you take steps toward becoming a life coach and keep using your daughters tenacity as a learning and growing experience on your own path. The sit spot is a great place to practice this relationship and perception.
I love what you have shared and I look forward to hearing more about your experience and what comes up for you during this course!
In the last year I have found myself living more and more with my vision than any other time in my life. Every day I am still leaning more and more into that vision as well. I have started to really accept everything in my life as my own, whereas, in previous moments in my life I always found excuses to put on the external world. I started to change my beliefs that everything in this life is my responsibility. That a lot of times life is not necessarily about what happens to us, but how we respond to it.
For example, I used to become irritated or angry if I was driving and someone cut me off or something else in traffic. Now I realize I am in control of how I respond to that. The situation is happening, and I get to decided how that affects me. Do I lash out and become mad? Or, do I keep my inner peace and not let it affect me.
I have been applying this to all areas of my life, and really try to be mindful about the situations I am in. What is it that they can teach me about myself, and what lessons I can learn and apply to my life.
Cory, yes!!! What you have shared is such a simple concept, but it seems that so many people don’t know how or choose not to apply it to their lives.
We have no control over the outside world, but we do have control over how we allow it affect us and how we respond to it. When we lash out at traffic, or when things aren’t going our way, we are telling ourselves that the outside world has a greater influence on us than we do on ourselves. And when we learn to choose our response we are telling and teaching ourselves how strong and capable we are of living in a place of soul-connection. Traffic is a great example of this because it allows us to practice this concept and it also allows us to see how much of the population goes “AGRO” during these times. A lot of the people in this world have not learned what you now know!
Also after the last meeting, and talking about our Reticular Activating System, I’m sure you’ll start noticing this concept in more areas of your life now that you are living it and understanding it. Because with our RAS, what we focus on expands. And so now that you are aware and practicing this, you will start noticing other areas where you might be influenced to get out of alignment, but now you have the tools to practice that awareness and re-align with that part of you that will serve you best!
I am in alignment with vision in some ways more than other, and this past year more so than ever before . My lack of self confidence when thinking of living or working towards my vision is very different than when I am living in alignment with my vision. When I am living in alignment with my vision I am confident in it. I am the only person holding me back from fully living my vision. There are many things I know I can, and will do to live more in alignment with my vision and I procrastinate.
My 6 year old daughter, and her generation are a large part of my vision. She will learn by example, we will learn together, and she can, has, and will teach me so much.
Walking with my vision council is empowering, like someone always has your back, like there is safety in numbers. I feel like I can see, hear, feel, etc more now knowing they are always there.
Daniel I love how you commented to Fear…”Fear is good. We need fear, but we also need to adjust our relationship it. See it, understand it, love it and still take action in spite of it.”
This seems to be such a presistant part in most no matter what we choose to name it. I think for me my Vision is so strong and I can get totally focused on it and make great strides towards it, then this so called fear of stepping out and running with it appears when I look at stepping away from the Corporate world.
My entire life I have dreamed of this Vision and what you stated I think has helped to realize one can continue to push forward despite the Fear.
I have been able to identify my RAS for sure and like Joshua the outcome of this and my time and interactions with EBI are being noticed by coworkes, friends and family even with miles apart between us. The unconditional support has been amazing in reflections and interactions with friends and family and even strangers in starting conversation of my vision.
Baseline has been an amazing tool to work with this past month. I have been traveling around Colorado and have been blessed to notice the different baselines in a heard of horses, at a compassion festival, in the Rocky Mountain national park and in a heavily populated tourist area just to name a few. Allowing myself the time to sink into each environment and listen I begin to hear different sounds that spark emotion within myself. The difference from a hustle bustle group of people compared to one using the word “love” every other sentence is amazing! The difference in a bird flying to a horse galloping also fills me with different feelings. Am I noticing the breeze in the air or the feeling of the ground beneath my feet? I have been using baseline to allow myself to be in a space where I notice much more then I was before and really be present. The most powerful part of baseline for me has been the energy of the environment because I feel like it’s the ether that ties it all together. I’m excited to be back from my traveling and use baseline in a more constantly stable environment(with the horses) and see what new teachings the stability brings.