Welcome to Nature Connected Leadership - Summer 2022!

We are honored to have the chance to support you on your journey toward creating a life of leadership by offering you skills that will support you to listen more deeply to your own personal vision and take action on creating your ideal life of leadership.

Meet Your Instructors

Daniel Brisbon

Michael Jospe

As you count down the days until the beginning of this course, we invite you to spend some time deeply contemplating and exploring what you truly wish to change and transform in your life. 

What part(s) of your life can no longer be the same anymore? What must change?

Take these questions seriously! This course is your opportunity to radically transform your life and your vision into something amazing and we are here to create the curriculum and container for you to make the impossible possible.

Also, here are some amazing (optional) resources to help you gain an edge on the material we will be covering in this course:

Books to consider:

Here is the schedule for the live sessions

Small Group Meetings

What are those small group meetings all about??

To support growth, accountability, and process, we will be breaking the group up into focused groups. Each group will be provided with a Google Hangout link. The intention is that as a group you determine a time to meet once a week to share your progress, bounce ideas off each other, and discuss concepts relevant to this program.  Our hope is that your group becomes a resource for years to come

Working With a Coach

If you haven’t signed up already, please consider hiring one of our coaches to support you on this journey. These coaches have been hand-selected from our list of qualified Nature Connected Coaches to support this course. They are available during the time-line of this course and have demonstrated the qualities of leadership that are reflective of the goals of this program.

This is a rare opportunity to add a high level of accountability to your investment into your Vision and increases the probability of reaching your goals significantly. Choosing this option provides you with high-level professional coaching at a much lower rate than if you were to hire a coach at this caliber directly.

The coaching rate for this program is  $100/session.  Please let Daniel or Michael know that you are interested, and we’ll connect you with a coach.

To get the most out of this, schedule sessions within the 7-week window of this course starting July 28, 2022.

About Instructor

+32 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 8 Learning Modules
  • 32 Steps