APNC Spring/Summer 2019 Lesson 3:2
Posted by Ivy Walker on March 21, 2019 at 10:21 amezavaglia808 replied 5 years, 5 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies -
3 Replies
Wow I can not believe how my life has turned. I have always worked in the technology industry, I don’t know if ya’ll know who the Geek Squad is but I worked for them for many years. Once I had my first camping trip that was all it took, technology was behind me. I love nature, I talk about it, read about it, take my nephew out on hikes every chance I can. Anytime someone asks me to work on the computer, or fix their phone I get angry lol. That’s how I know nature is where I belong.
Roadmap for 6 months
1 preliminary session+ 8 sessions (4 per quarter)
Preliminary session:
In this session, there is an useful exchange of information between the Coach and the Coachee. The Coach clarifies what is Coaching, what is Nature Coaching and how to organize the whole pathway in a mutual alliance. The coachee provides information about his/her current situation and the desired future, goals and expectations. This is an important “checking point” to evaluate the client’s motivation and responsibility to undertake a process of growth and transformation.Session:1-4
They should be based on exploring the clients’ wants and needs. In these first 4 sessions the client should focus on the way of being they are forming and on connecting with their inner-sage through a mirroring process in the Nature. Work-in exercises in questioning and wandering should support this deep listening phase. Moreover, in this phase client should localize him/herself in one of the cardinal direction in the Four shields model and use it as a tool to check where he/she is in their personal process.
Sessions: 5-8
Setting SMARTER (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely, ecological, registered) goals and defining a plan of Actions. Client should understand who and what can be a facilitator or obstacle. For obstacles the “Removal of obstacles” exercise could be a valid tool to understand what is assumption behind behaviours and how to overcome this limiting believes. Clients should set also a monitoring plan to define how to stay attuned and responsive to their goal and commitment. I will ask them to find examples on what kind of strategies Nature applies for staying attuned and responsive. This could be a good work-out exercise to help people to connect with Nature and get inspired by Life principles ( Rif. Biomimicry 3.8).Every session will have an opening and closing ceremony . Opening ceremony is a visualized meditation to get connected in the here and now. The closing ceremony could be a thanks-giving moment where client express his/her gratitude.
6-month plan with client
I’ve set my business up to work with clients who are experiencing difficulty navigating a difficult situation or clients who are looking for support on their journey of personal growth. A six-month plan would most likely be for the latter client.
I would start with an intake session where we discuss their hopes, needs, and goals. We would discuss what they have tried, what has worked, and where they feel stuck. From there we would set up a plan of frequency of sessions and duration of time.
I think a tree is a great metaphor in how I would work with clients. I would start with the branches which is the most reactive part of the tree. We would look at what triggers them, how they react, and how they can build their awareness around their triggers and create space to reflect and respond instead of react. I envision the first months would be spent on walk and talk sessions in an outdoor scene that models what they want. For example, a forest walk if they long for introspection, a beach walk if they want to feel spaciousness and open. In these sessions, we would slow down and I would work on deepening the client’s relationship with their awareness and connection between their thoughts, feelings and how that feels in their body. Once we’ve done some of those I would introduce the art of wandering. I believe it’s hard to move forward and know where we are headed if we lack a self-connection. Creating space would be a great foundation to begin. I would recommend journaling and would also send my client meditations or encourage them to find their sit spot.
From there we would move to the trunk of the tree – their persona – how are they presenting themselves in the world. I would work to increase their intentionality by asking what world are they thinking, acting, walking themselves into. Do the decisions they make move them closer to achieving their goal or build distance? We would continue with the nature walks and wanders, and begin to establish some rituals that are symbolic of the life they want to create. Examining the part we play in our lives through introspection and compassion helps us begin to recognize why we repeat patterns.
From there we would move into the roots – what are we grounded in. Is it our fear that is driving their decisions? What does the client believe about themselves? Here we would look at letting go of outdates beliefs, befriending fear, and re-write new beliefs that feel supportive and in-line with who the client feels they are. I could see these sessions to be where we go on more challenging hikes as opportunities for them to push themselves – test their strength. See that they are their own cheerleader. What gifts do they have that they want to offer to the world?
I recognize that during the coaching session the client will experience snapbacks. I will do my best to create a safe space where they can come to me without fear of being judged. I will meet them where they are and together we can look at what is blocking them. Was the goal too big? If so, then we can break it down into more doable pieces. Is it a belief that is holding them back? How can we create a daily ritual/practice for them so they begin to see themselves, sort of reinforce the person they want to become? Basically, the goal would always be for us to stay on the path but there is full permission to wander off path knowing that the detours will also provide great insight.