Foundations Cohort 20 (June 2020) Introduction Forum
Posted by Ivy Walker on January 10, 2020 at 2:46 pmJennifer LeCompte replied 4 years, 6 months ago 10 Members · 16 Replies -
16 Replies
WELCOME Cohort 20! Please use this forum to introduce yourselves, make connections, ask any questions and, eventually, for travel logistics/planning.
Hi I’m Jackie and I am from Texas! I am so excited to be in Cohort 20 and meeting everyone. I’ve been in the IT industry for over 10 years and was introduced to the wilderness about 2 years ago when I needed figure out a way to grieve over a death in my family, that’s when I knew this was my calling, I want to help others, bring nature into their lives and show them how beneficial Nature is.
I look forward to meeting everyone on here. -
Hey everyone. My name is Kelly. I currently live in Wilmington, NC, 10 mins from the beach!! I have been a pastry chef for over 10 years now and in the restaurant industry since I was 15. I grew up on 5 acres of wooded land with my family. My sister and I spent all our time outside in the woods. We also camped multiple times a year, every year growing up. Nature has been a part of my life since before I could comprehend its healing powers. I am a very empathetic person and have been called to do more than just make amazing desserts. I have wanted to help others somehow but felt like nothing was quite the right fit. I found this program on instagram of all places and was like that is perfect! I never knew such a thing existed and I am so grateful I am able to combine my life long love of nature with my innate need to help others. I cannot wait to go to Colorado and meet everyone. So excited to be here!
Hi Everyone,
My name is Heather, and I’m so happy to be here meeting everyone. The NCC program and community/coaches has been, by far, one of the most dynamic and progressive experiences in my life, already. I don’t know what is ahead, but I feel it in my being that this is where I’m meant to be, called from afar. This is my second attempt at a start date since coming upon unforeseen circumstances before the last cohort started. I really feel this has all happened just as it was meant to be. I’m learning to take this one breath at a time, not just from a head space, but in my heart and footsteps. I live in a suburb of the Greater Kansas City Metro area…(the squiggly city space along the KS/MO border.) There is a surprising amount of nature and green space here, and while removed from the more vast expanses of wildness, I am able to discover the magic of it even here. It announces itself to me in the sometimes simplest moments (like the way the sun dances with a tree), and I treasure those here. I’ve always felt touched, nurtured and challenged (in a good way) by nature, and hope to find a way to bring others in my community closer to that connection outside and within themselves. I’m so open now about how this all works and fits together. I only have trust that all of this does. I’m really looking forward to exploring this path with you all.
Hi Everyone,
I’m Sophie and very much looking forward to connecting with you all. I’m from Australia, but will be based in the UK during the course. I have already completed a coaching course and am building my business so I’m looking forward to a dive deeper into what NCC has to offer.
I’m currently in Argentina, starting an expedition tomorrow to climb Aconcagua, the highest peak outside the Himalaya at 6962m. I’ve never experienced altitude so a huge undertaking which I’m both nervous and excited about. I will be learning a lot over the coming weeks.
2020 for me is diving deeper into coaching – personally and professionally, developing my business and travel. I’m buying a van in the UK and spending a year or so hiking and climbing around Europe.
I’m so looking forward to meeting you all and hearing your stories and taking this journey together.
Sophie 🙂
Hi Cohort 20! We are looking forward to meeting with you online in the next few months to begin an orientation process for the Foundations course in June.
Please join us if you can for the live webinars. If you are unable to make it, these webinars will be recorded and available here in the Learning Center for you to watch.
Orientation webinars
March 19, 1:30 – 2:30pm MST
April 15, 1:30 – 2:30pm MST
May 13, 1:30 – 2:30pm MST
June 15, 1:30 – 2:30pm MSTJoin the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/298452998
Note: if you have never joined a Zoom call before, please visit zoom.us prior to the meeting time to download the software and run a microphone/video test to make sure you are ready to go.You can also join by phone to listen and talk at the meeting without video.
Dial the number nearest your location and punch in the meeting ID:
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 298 452 998There are no participant ID’s associated with these calls (in case you are prompted for one).
I am sending this information through email, too.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ivy -
I am curious to learn with you all and excited I found EBI!
I am currently living in Brooklyn, NY. I am a student of various paths/certifications/ educational background and currently in college studying creative writing.
I am also an artist my passion is dance and writing but I do other art forms.
I have worked as holistic mentor mainly in the arena of women’s health and wellness and empowerment.
I am trying to make my side hustle my main hustle and am eager to synthesize my work in the context of nature connected coaching.
I plan to launch my own online business and learn how to become financially self sufficient through doing what I love.
I am trying to manifest living in vanlife culture or rv living with my partner so we can be at home in nature anywhere we desire. But for now I am nestled cozy in the city until I can get everything moving forward onto a big adventure.looking forward to sharing and supporting for the journey ahead,
Vanessa (but I may change my name soon) 🙂
Hello everyone! My name is Allyson and I live in STL. I’ve been interested in the NCC program for a few years now but life had other plans, and I’m very grateful for them. My husband and I adopted a senior dog, Paco, that unbeknownst to us had diabetes. We were so fortunate to have him for 2 years and 2 months, and now with him gone I feel as though I have the perspective and focus to make changes in the world, with the love and compassion that Paco left me with. I want to run a sanctuary for rescued slaughterhouse animals and help at risk youth connect with animals that have also been through hell and back. I am a passionate gardener and working toward a more sustainable life for my family (8 cats and 2 dogs.) I am an animal rights and women’s rights activist. I am very much looking forward to changing the world with everyone here- I can’t wait to see what we all do. Take it easy!
Hi everyone!
Anyone making plans yet for Gunnison? Feel free to email me at
SO EXCITED ! ! ! 🙂
Hi Cohort,
I will arrive in Denver intl airport on Friday the 31st around 2:30 pm. Has anyone made plans yet and can share with me? Maybe carpool? Maybe share an airbnb?
Looking forward!!! 🙂
Hello Cohort 20!
Apologies for being late to this virtual party: I am just now accessing my laptop for the first time in 2020. Yep, I’ve been using my phone this entire time.
I consider myself to be a fairly versatile person. After a series of random, spontaneous & last-minute decisions I’ve made in my life, I am now landing into this space with you all with the intention to connect, learn, and elevate.
I’ve always had a natural inclination to connect with Nature, and finding EBI couldn’t have crossed paths with me at a more perfect time.
I’m looking forward to diving in deeper with you all. A’ho!
– Calvin
I’m going to arrive Boulder sometime in the evening on July 31st. I was planning to camp somewhere near our Caravan departure to Gunnison, but am also open to sharing an airbnb!
– Calvin
Calvin and Vanessa,
I’ll be taking the greyhound in and will get there around noon, but I’m trying to figure it a way to get from Denver to Gunnison. I think there is a bus station near the Walmart, so I was just going to wander around town until time came to head out. -
Hi Cohort,
I arrive Friday July 31 at 2:30 pm in Denver.
Can you all please be in touch via my text here is my #(860) 818-1980.
I feel more confident if we communicate via phone messaging and calling because having to log in and message in the forum and its less convenient to communicate in the forum if we are trying to meet up in Boulder or wherever.
Thanks everyone and excited to meet hopefully…
Hi everyone,
I’m adjusting to the idea of our online intensive. I’ve had some feelings of grief over not traveling to be immersed in nature with other professionals but I am feeling ready to begin tomorrow. I’m taking the opportunity to practice flexibility and non-attachment.
Throughout this period of shelter in place, I’ve had many emotions, but the unexpected gift of this training has been learning how to relate with the land I live on. I am viewing this switch to online as another opportunity to deepen my understanding of my home and myself as a part of nature. I’ve become aware that my wanderlust has kept me from being present with the sacred nature of my own space.
I’ll be in my yard with the vegetables, flowers and my beehives I tend. I hope to learn to listen more deeply to the land that holds my home, where I have raised my children, worked, nourished myself and slept for the past 15 years.
I look forward to being with you all this week.