Home Forums Nature Connected Leadership Discussion Module 2.1 (Summer 18)

  • Melody Rose

    August 23, 2018 at 12:17 am

    I just got back from camping out of cell range for the better part of the last month. I am feeling somewhat out of touch and behind, and really good too.

    Just by being camping (with my 6 year old daughter and 8 year old dog) I feel in alignment with my vision.

    I am a big fan of forest creatures and saw many which makes me know I am on the right track. We saw some raccoons which have always been special to me since I was a child. And I was about 10 feet from a black bear while making breakfast one morning! I have never seen one so close. I kindly told him/her to go when he/she was too close and he/she did. (I was devastated to hear that the bear had to be ā€œdealt withā€ due to being far too habituated days later šŸ™ ) There was also a mouse in my daughterā€™s flipper.

    My daughter saw some kids feeding Whiskey Jacks/Grey Jays out of their hands and wanted to. It didnā€™t happen right away and she was upset. I told her to be patient and that if she asked nature would hear her. She ended up feeding one in our very own campsite where we hadnā€™t seen any of those birds before, or since! She was so excited.

    While swimming in the lake I was consulting my vision council while looking out at the lake, mountains and sky (before the wildfire smoke rolled in šŸ™ ) . I heard that my vision will become more clear, just like the water did as it got shallower, as I got closer to shore. I looked up and saw my daughter playing on the beach and knew that she is a large part of my vision. I have always said that she is the reason I do what I do, for her and her generation, and to raise her to respect and love and be in tune with herself and nature. I got a feeling that my nature connection, will lead her to doing great things for our planet and I will be very proud of her, and like what I am doing here is all to set her up for the great things she will do.

    Beliefs/action, etc that need to change-
    I need to believe more in myself, to make more time for the work in this, and a few other courses (such as the Creating Nature Connection for Children through 8 Shields I signed up for!!) / to practice what I am learning.

    I need to practice better self care and live a healthier lifestyle-less/no alcohol, healthier food, more water and sleep, less time on the computer, declutter my homeā€¦.

    (Some of) My parts-
    being organized
    wanting to get things done now/ASAP/right away
    nature lover

    Iā€™ve noticed that with some ppl, mostly family or close friends I can be judgemental and am working on changing that to loving unconditionally, being more understanding, not taking things personally
    I am practicing being gentler to myself, stopping negative self talk, doubt
    I am re learning how to taste and smell, which isnā€™t always pleasant, haha

    Setting intention
    lately while camping itā€™s been nature connection, slowing down, being present
    since Iā€™ve been home itā€™s been to bring all that, at the same level, back to everyday life.

    How does the process/stages of change apply to me in regards to leadership and vision?
    Where am I in the process?

    Iā€™d say Iā€™m in the action stage in relation to vision. I know I am on the right path and am building towards it, and that there are relapses into the planning stage.

    So to answer the actual discussion question-
    I am noticing after a few days of programming that some things are easier and more open to change than others and that the harder/more resistant ones seem to come up more often/louder.
    Sometimes Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a part of me or maybe I just think it is since itā€™s been there all my life, so Iā€™m still second guessing myself, which means Iā€™m still learning and need more practice šŸ™‚ . Knowing my different parts helps with different programming, like listening to be less judgemental of loved ones.

  • Daniel Brisbon

    August 23, 2018 at 11:07 am

    Melody, so much wisdom being shared here! And camping with your daughter and your dog sounds like an amazing time!

    Reading your post I saw that you bring up the learning and practicing process several times. And being in that space of openness, and focused on the process rather than the result, to yourself and your vision is so important. In the stages of change, all the steps need to confronted with an open mindset, but none more so than when taking action like you shared.

    And in my own experience I have noticed that when I am focused on learning, growing and challenging myself, I tend to lean more towards belief in myself and the journey. When I am focused on achieving the result, and that it has to be perfect, then doubt and lack of belief can sometimes creep in.

    It sounds like your experience camping allowed for a lot of time in self reflection of your parts as well. It sounds like so much of you is on board with your journey and that there is a great opportunity to listen to the parts of you that express resistance and become the loudest. I can’t wait to hear more of what you notice and what questions arise as you keep consistent in your practice and reflections!

  • Joshua Maze

    August 27, 2018 at 1:14 pm

    I am really excited about using partswork and the programming exercises to really hone in on how best to live my life in many aspects, from how I interact with my family, to how I conduct myself at work, to how to I am addressing my current bout of depression. Everything is connected. And using these tools and techniques, I am able to take a more holistic view of my life and focus on what needs to change in order for me to be successful. I am really glad I have been given this opportunity.

    I found the partswork process really interesting and it helped me to see things from a different perspective. For too long, I allowed negative parts, to grow and flourish. Often, they would team up and drown out the soul. When the soul is allowed to lead, all of the other parts seem much more harmonious.

    I liked Michaelā€™s example of using the salt and pepper and sugar packets at a table to illustrate the various parts and a thought occurred to me. When cooking, it is best to develop flavors using various spices and flavors (i.e., multiple parts). Using too much of one spice, or trying to eliminate an ingredient altogether will change the experience. The recipe, like life, is best when we allow all of our parts to interact the way they should.

    I am tackling programming almost like a meditative mantra. Really clearing my mind and focusing on what I want and doing it again and again until it sticks, until, as Michael said, it becomes ritualistic. Setting the intention and having something to strive for has been incredibly helpful.

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