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Nature Connection Routines Discussion
Posted by Michael on January 3, 2020 at 6:41 pmThank you for sharing your thoughts about this session!
Sul replied 4 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
Thank you, Michael; this was a very informative and needed topic. Majority of the time my kind is in 1,000 places at a time. I started watching this video about 5 minutes after I woke up, and quickly realized I wasn’t grasping it, so I waited until my lunch break to watch it thoroughly and completely. Although I did the sensing direction exercise while (probably) half asleep, I could feel an immediate pull to the east. Our bedroom faces the east and the sun rises and wakes us up, we start every morning feeling the warm embrace of our sun, knowing that another day has risen and is a fresh start to do what we need to do to be successful, happy and healthy.
As far as observation goes, I’ve been described as hyper-vigilant and often notice the smallest, most unnecessary things. This leads me to be all over and never present, or current as I like to say. I’ll begin working on being still inside, since after I watched the video I started practicing 360 listening and WAV and noticed I was able to complete my work without too many distractions. I practiced building a connection with my brain and focusing on the information at task, the things I actually needed to know, which helped me remember to practice my 360 listening and WAV. Baseline was very easy for me, I’m a dog groomer so the shop is always loud and bustling; I did notice more when all of the fans were turned off I noticed the peace that came with the stillness for the first time- even the dogs stopped moving around after the fans turned off.
Internal coherence is a new concept for me to hear about, but not one that I haven’t been unknowingly striving for. I always say that I want to be healthy and happy, and together those make sense, but getting them together is the struggle. I believe that nature as a whole is a puzzle, and to complete it we need to join it, and vis versa- to complete ourselves requires nature.Im happy I watched this video at a later time when I was more coherent, it helped me finish my day on a brighter and more productive note. I can’t wait for the next one!
I love the sensing directions. A lot of what I’m learning at EBI reminds me of how I was as a child. I just knew things and played with the ideas naturally like sensing directions. But I wasn’t fully aware of what I was doing.
As an adult I’ve played with sensing directions and feeling the tug or pull and letting it take me on an adventure through town. It has always been fun but I didn’t consciously think of it as play.
I now see this in a new way and will consciously play with sensing the directions and remember this naturally brings fun adventures into my life.
On a more spiritual note, I have learned indigenous medicine wheel teachings and cultivating relationship to the directions for guidance. I am curious to seek the council of the spirits of the directions with a greater sensing ability and 360 listening after this video teaching.Every time I learn more about the EBI curriculum, I hear a big Giant YES! I found you!!!