Step 3: Participate in the Discussion About This Lesson #2
Posted by Ivy Walker on April 9, 2019 at 1:23 pmApril Squillante replied 5 years, 3 months ago 15 Members · 29 Replies -
29 Replies
My work day ran over today, and I missed the live call. I will follow-up with the recording. Thank you!!
How are you living in alignment with Vision now, and What beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes need to shift or be developed to become more aligned to Vision?
Growing up, I had a vision to impact the world through missions, taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the world. It was my calling, and I put that calling before every opportunity and every passion and every relationship, until everything fell apart and I ended up in prison (working, of course).
So today, as I imagine leading rites of passage experiences through vision quests, wilderness treks, and international pilgrimages, I try to hold this new vision with an open hand. It is only a vision, not a promise, not a commission, not a guarantee. Rites of Passage are just one way I might contribute to the meaning of life.
I have ideas about what I’d like to do and how that might be done, but I am also trying to balance those ideas with the realities of what my family needs, for themselves and from me. And that seems right to me. Not certain or promising, just right.
For me, there is one question that is at the forefront of living in alignment with Vision now, and that is, “Are you committed to your own transformation?” I have answered, “Yes,” to this question and now seek ways to be open to my own transformation without trying to manufacture it on my own terms.
Kind of like Michael was talking about before regarding needs versus wants. I’m trying to discern between objectives that I truly need to pursue and those that are merely for personal gain or prestige. I.e.: “It would look so much better if I had an accredited bachelor’s degree while doing this…” Or, “I can only do this if it guarantees so much money per month…” At the core, I think this means trusting that I will be fruitful by becoming the person I want to be, rather than trying to become the person I want to be by being fruitful. After all, it’s the tree that produces the fruit, not the fruit that produces the tree.
Operating within this core belief might look like setting specific goals for key areas of my life, such as Health, Wealth, Relationships, Work, Spirituality, and Education. Again, the focus is not on what I can accomplish in these areas, but rather on developing the habits and characteristics I want to embody in these areas. So, for example, a SMART goal within health might be to obtain a specific weight, but how I go about doing that will determine my relationship to health. Rather than burning out on a crash course fad diet, I will set up a routine that establishes healthy habits as a way of life and that helps me reach my goal weight.
Getting to this point with my goal setting requires a deep understanding of the values that drive my ambitions. For example, one of my values under Wealth is Generosity because it keeps me from the fear that leads to both frivolous spending and hoarding. One of my values for Work is Meaningful, which steers me clear of simply working for a paycheck in some soul-sucking job. These values teach me what goals to set and how to pursue them.
I feel like the key right now is communicating these values with my family, sharing them and understanding them together. In this way, I hope we can plot a path forward together, mutually supportive and mutually growing.
Thanks so much for sharing your perspective and insights on this question. I hear a lot of passion and desire and at the same time the need to be grounded and present. It almost sounds like the vision that you are aware of inside of you (Rites of Passage, Vision Quests etc.) is like the 30,000 foot view looking down at the earth below. And you are aware of this. And you are also aware that there needs to be a focus on the here and now. Down at ground level. Taking care of your family and responsibilities for example.
So how can these two dynamics work with each other? What can you do now to honor the 30,000 foot vision while also being focused and present on who and what needs you now?
And it sounds like you’ve thought about that and have seen what you can accomplish! Focusing on who you need to BE, not just on what you need to DO. Sharing and communicating these values with your family so that they understand and can share this vision with you. And taking material from this course to plot your path forward so that it is clear and understood. This is a great example of need versus want and how they can potentially work in alignment with one another. I look forward to hearing more about the connections you make on how both the vision of your future and the vision of now can compliment each other and work together!
I like Cate’s contribution to this with her mention of balance and allowance. I am having to relearn how to trust the process and to trust the Divine (Spirit) in that process. Interestingly, I am finding that a big part of that is learning to trust my own intuition. I never promoted blind faith before, but looking back I can see how it took form in my life. I am learning that blind faith is reckless, and that true faith is very much aware. Instead of pushing ahead by faith (my old patterns), I am taking responsibility to look around, be aware and present, and trust my intuition through the process of transformation and growth.
I am someone who has always valued congruency with whatever work I choose to engage with. And of course, sometimes in my earlier years, I had jobs that were not necessarily first choices but, in every case, valuable on the path forward. I continue to hold to that core vision now, as I age and find that by visioning where I want to be and exploring options with a mindset of possibility yet discernment, my choices are balanced and truly alive within me.
I am a true dabbler/doer (masculine ‘can-do’ way of being) and find that over the years this has served me in many valuable ways and I truly value the part of myself that can focus and manifest. Yet I have recognized that the softer, receptive side (feminine) often takes a back seat to the outward way of doing and being. This balancing between the two has been an amazing journey over the last 15 or so years. Being raised in a patriarchal society I took on the masculine role model of doing, doing, doing. No judgement here as it clearly served me, but a recognition that I did not have a role model who embodied balance between both the masculine and feminine ways of being. It has become very clear to me that balance is the only ‘way’ and that by exploring a receptive, allowing approach to life, less pushing against, hurried, stressed, I have much more clarity of purpose, vision of where I want to be and trust in the process. Patience and being present with what life brings, sitting with uncertainty and allowing the unfolding is a beautiful dance of trusting in oneself and life.
Life offers many choices and by gently guiding myself in mindful ways of being in the world I hold space for myself to expand and grow. As a Right-of-Passage guide I feel blessed to midwife the deep soul encounters of others on their own personal journeys. Nature is the teacher and it’s beautiful to witness the endless variety of ways we each find our inner compass of self-exploration.-
Cate, thank you so much for sharing your insights on living in balance with the masculine and feminine. The dance between the two and finding the balance in our own personal lives can be a life long journey, but it is why we are here as well. To embody that way of being in our own unique way. I would love to hear some examples/experiences of being in that space of listening and receptivity. Being patient and present. What have you noticed in that space? What did it teach you?
I’m sure your stories will be a great help and guidance for your classmates as well and I would enjoy it too! Look forward to hearing more from you!
I empathize with your reply as a fellow female who has used her “masculine”, do-er side to achieve many of her goals in life thus far. It was not until a mental breakdown in college that I had to really tend to my feelings, and ever since that time I have also been on the journey of balancing my feminine/masculine sides. Tapping into the emotional/receptive side of my Self has been most beneficial in actually understanding what my vision is, what my body and mind and heart needs. Without sitting in uncertainty for a period of time my mind gets overwhelmed, my body tense, my breathing short, anxiety ensues and I get paralyzed. I see this as a positive sign that my body and mind put on the brakes so that I can take a cue and find ways to relax, even if that means getting out of my house and going on an adventure with a friend for the weekend. The balance between achieving and just being is an interesting paradigm of the human experience, isn’t it…
Thank you Daniel & Kelly Janae for your words as it’s lovely to receive reflection and feel heard. I would say the starting point has much to do with the constant need to be active, looking for fillers instead of recognizing the gift of openness and slow time as valuable. I would say this has been my biggest challenge. I’ve recognized this behavior in many of my friends and use this recognition as a wake up to honoring the gift of slowing down, doing nothing. And for me that looks like mellow time in nature, the sit spot routine is a perfect example of this! I spend endless time wandering and use my senses to go deep…I get pulled this way and that, just allowing…mind and all. I have to say though that over the years there’s less mind chatter and more presence and being.
Now as I am aging and contemplating a huge chunk of open space ahead of me I have fear of too much quiet time…this is my new challenge! The journey is on going yet with mindful practices I am finding there truly is balance if I trust and allow the unfolding. It’s much easier to push ahead (old patterns) but I am committed to a balanced approach. This is how I would like to gracefully age. 🙂
Currently, I am in the process of deep transformation on a Soul- and archetypal level. Along with this transformation is the dispelling of beliefs and values that no longer serve me or others, and the subsequent adoption of beneficial habits, attitudes, and behaviors. It is especially timely that I am being asked this question now, as I am embarking on an entire year of “shadow work” with my Blackfoot elder starting in late October. Further, I am committed to the Nature-Connected Coaching program starting in January, which marks a paramount new beginning for me in terms of professional and personal development. I am also turning 25 in February, which is a milestone that I want to honor by recreating myself, leaving behind the old stories, and developing a new mythology that holds me in integrity and brings me closer to the truth of Who I Am.
The specific beliefs, behaviors and attitudes that need to change are as of yet unclear, or still developing in my psyche and mind. I am truly sitting in the Great Mystery, and slowly walking into the cave where I am being asked to confront myself. I can feel some resistance coming up, but I am not afraid. I am allowing my steps into this cave to be slow and intentional. I feel comforted by Owl energy, and confident in my abilities to see and hear in the dark. My dreams are telling in imagery and emotion; I am definitely processing and preparing myself on a deep level for the work that is to come.
In terms of how I am living with my vision currently, I suppose I am in observation mode, scanning for discrepancies between who I want to become, and who I am now. I am waiting in courage and patience, with my senses on high alert for my Parts to make themselves apparent even on the subtlest of levels. I am embodying a predator-prey relationship of sorts within myself. This is about survival — I have graduated from “wanting” change to “needing” change. So, mark my words, I will embrace the confrontation and either overpower or outsmart whatever part of myself wants to manipulate and lie to hold me back. Compassion and gentleness are here too, but I honestly am over taking any BS from myself. So the work shall be done, the Vision shall be aligned with Soul, and So It Is.
What a powerful story you are in the midst of, Kelly. I am glad we get to share this part of the journey with you.
Online Forum Discussion: Take this question to your Vision Council: How are you living in alignment with Vision now, and What beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes need to shift or be developed to become more aligned to Vision? (Asking this question to Soul and to the Vision Council will reveal a lot of information. Try to capture it all, and remember you have a choice as to what you share in the forum.)
This is a great question. Over the past few months, I have not been living in alignment with Vision from “now” place. I am currently in the middle of many transitions to my home life. Where once, I had a home to myself and could find refuge from my day when I returned home. Now, I am living as part of a family, which is wonderful, but I am challenged in this transition of space and retreat in order to rejuvenate myself. I realized the longing for what I left instead of enjoying where I am, was bringing me an internal discord. My body was feeling compressed. As I asked the question of How can I maintain the peace with in me and return to my inner joy. I put the 7 breaths into practice, surrendered to spirit/Vision Council. The realization, was clear to me. Yes, I am going through a transition and have become part of a household, but I was neglecting to continue to do the things that bring me joy and take care of my needs first, not from a selfish way, but from a caring way, so I can show up 100% and be more present with the household. I had to be more present with myself and return to daily practices that assist me with that.
Gina, what a wonderful example of sharing your experience of awareness inside of your life. And how reframing your perspective and listening to your Council and Soul has shown the answers to living from your Soul-directed place. I hope everyone has a chance to read your post and see how these practices can transform in wonderful and unique ways! Thank you so much for sharing.
I realized what need to shift, I was placing responsibility on myself for things that I am not responsible for, nor do I need to be.
Have been in transformation for three years now. I accepted loosing my job in a field I was in for 15 years after my son and never looking back (retouching and color developments for package design). Took a huge hit financially and mentally not knowing where I was going with my career or how I was going to afford things. I strongly feel as though I have been put here to help others help themselves so I trusted that the universe would support me in my blueprint.
3 years of practice, research and endless training my unique practice emerged. I feel as though right now I am in alignment with my vision but so much more room to grow. My Holistic Massage practice involves manual muscular/fascia manipulation as well as healing on an energetic level with polarity and connecting with flower essences. I grow 75% of the herbs that I put in my topical salves for my clients.
This Connecting to Nature course is so important to keep myself grounded and connected when I feel overwhelmed with all the things life throws at you. Alignment is a forever working progress. Hope My Sit spot can make me question my beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes to shift or be developed to become more aligned to Vision. Make these things a bit more clear.
Today My 3 year old started preschool for 2.5 hours Monday through Friday. This is the only “ME” time that I get. If I am not with him I am working or helping my Father who is ill. My plan of action is to use AT LEAST a half hour to fully engage in my sit spot to connect. Looking forward to what is about to happen with this. Super exciting.
Sarah, I wanted to encourage you on your path. Committing half an hour out of your spare 2.5 hours is a 20% commitment of your time. YOU ARE WORTH IT. I, too, find it difficult to adequately invest in myself with sit time and self-care, when I feel like I should be “doing” something to further my goals or serve my family or others, but that initial investment in yourself is key. Your example gives me encouragement to press into the moments I have between kids and chores and work…et al. I’m reminded of that quote attributed to Lao Tzu, “ Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.“ Keep going, Sarah. Small steps are still steps.
There are a number of ways i am, on a fundamental level, living in alignment with my vision – I am gainfully self-employed doing work I enjoy that is almost completely outdoors year round. This is amazing! And, the vision is bigger and broader than the current path. Also, the current path (my landscape gardening business) has an expiration date connected to my age and what my body can withstand. I’m still in great shape right now, but it important for me to make plans for what else and what is next…and I wish to approach that in a nature-connected, soul-centered way.
I’ve begun working with a BRILLIANT EBI-trained coach, and I discovered that I have not been taking the time to envision myself already doing “what’s next” for my vision – something I’ve done naturally in the past, but forgot! No wonder I’ve found myself lately (when attempting to sort out my latest version of my vision) unable to see clearly through the mist on the trail in front of and around me! LOL
When I sit and envision myself already accomplishing and living the vision, it is interesting to realize how much of that vision I actually am living right now. In fact, it’s not really a matter of changing anything dramatically in the future, but rather shifting the percentages around on what I currently spend my time doing. Mostly, right now, I make my living doing labor (labor that I love and can do) on people’s incredible, forested acres of land. A smaller portion of my time is spent teaching, consulting, designing, leading ceremony and writing (a great love of mine) – but I do this work as well (I’m actually about to have an article published in a local magazine about my work with trees in the arena of shamanic, spiritual permaculture!)
However, the beliefs, attitudes and behaviors that have held me back – and therefore need to change – are a fear that I’m. Not good enough to be paid full time to do these things I love, that people won’t want to hear the information I have to share or that it’s not useful enough for them to pay me for it, etc….and so I’ve held back and not pursued more work in those areas. Instead, I’ve continued to lean on the fact that I’m still young and fit enough to do the physical work of landscaping.
Now, I don’t intend to give up the physical work I enjoy any time soon. It contributes to my physical fitness, and I’ve worked myself into a niche that ensures that the labor requested of me is work I find satisfying. But rather than having this work be 80-90% of my paid income, what if it were 30-50%? How would my life look then and how much am I actually living right now? Lately, I’ve worried that I was facing a huge transition in my life with this change, and I have been avoiding it to some extend – the fear and anxiety about it causing the “mist” on my vision of the trail I’ve set out to “hike” next in life. However, to realize that I’m living this change right now, and it’s only a matter of making adjustments in alignment with my dream….well, that clears the mist almost instantly.
Jennifer, thanks for sharing so openly and honestly about what is coming up for you on this journey. And I am so glad to hear that working with your coach has been helpful and beneficial on creating your own growth, focus and transformation with what you have shared with us.
For me right now, being aligned with my vision means listening to my deep inner knowing. My deep inner knowing is a feeling inside my body that currently resides as a line between my heart space/sternum and womb space. When I must make a decision, I can refer to this deep knowing to discern between choices, and choose the option that is most in alignment with my vision.
Slowing down is a key behavior for me. Slowing down helps me refer to my inner knowing (soul?). In our fast paced society, slowing down can be difficult for me sometimes, so I find it necessary to spend a lot of time in nature, dancing, connecting with my body, and conversing with my soul. Routine and new experiences are also important for me.
When I do not experience much time in nature or tuning in with my body during a day, I definitely can get pulled out of connection with my soul, which means out of alignment with living my vision. Technology, being indoors, and stimulating cities can pull me too much into my mind, out of my body, and out of alignment with my soul. Living my vision, I now realize, is very much a somatic-connected experience for me. I know that my mind is important in making decisions and living my vision, but since my baseline is to be in my mind more than my body, I find it important to give more focus and attention to my body right now.
When I think about letting go of my attachment to my mind and attending more to my body, I believe this is a letting go to a fear of control, and ultimately a fear of death. So perhaps being in alignment with my soul and vision means to have a healthy relationship with death, rather than fearing death. Another big one is EGO. Not letting ego control my story, my beliefs, and my soul. Realizing when my ego is showing up in my self, and not basing my actions from my ego.
Slowing down is so helpful for observing my ego and fear of death. Reconnecting with my breath, stillness, and space allows me to connect back with my soul and vision. Surrounding myself around inspiring people and environments is also important. Holding boundaries when necessary keeps my space and soul sacred. I am naturally very empathetic and trusting, so holding boundaries and voicing my true “yes” and “no” has been important for my self care and soul alignment. I am still working on all of this!
Surrender (letting go, releasing), slowing down and somatic alignment/attunement all sound like deep and pivotal resources in your connection to Soul. And these are all essential pieces toward strengthening that bond and connection to Vision and Soul. So I’m gonna just assume that the 7 Breaths and 7 Stairs have been helpful tools/exercises to guide you toward tuning in more deeply to the body and “slowing down” throughout the day. In a fast paced world it can be very challenging to slow down and move at the speed of nature and your natural self. And that is part of this journey, to constantly and consistently tune back into Vision and Soul everyday and when you notice yourself “veering off course”.
And thank you for also sharing how this ties into your relationship and fear of death. And it sounds like you have become more aware of this relationship. My only question for you is, how can you take this awareness of fear of death a step further? And what I mean by that is how can you start to redefine your relationship and experience with fear. In all aspects that it shows up. Fear of death is very real and apparent, but what about the smaller and less significant areas that fear shows up? How can you recreate your relationship with fear as a “whole”? And by using your new perspective of “fear of death” as context.
Thank you cohorts! I appreciate your experience and desire for transforming your lives with a larger and more soulful vision of yourself. I am also in transition, it’s time for me in the last third of life to bring myself and who I am to serve in a fresh way. I feel a great “I don’t know mind” . Who am I now, who do I want to be, where am I being engaged to serve? In many ways I need less, care about relationship, connection and community more. My vision is not detailed but I have had a sense of a “person land project”. Community working with collaboration with the land. I am staying open and holding this loosely because I want to stay informed by what emerges as it does.
How I am in alignment is that I live in a way that honors the hoop of life, all living beings (as best as I can), and hold the dignity, joy and beauty in being here on our living planet. I make ritual to the water every day at our Olentangy River that runs through Columbus, Wyandotte, the Miami and Shawnee’s traditional land. How do I serve now at this time?
I believe more of the work for me currently is in relaxing into not knowing, self-trust, and radical self love, Letting go of my old ideas of who I need to be, the way things need to be, and how this moment BE the one that’s most alive. Working with the fact we have everything we need now and are missing nothing. How can I move and walk in a way that transmits We belong to each other, honoring our relationships with land and all our relations everywhere. I’m concerned about our living planets and those that will inherit what we’ve created.-
Relaxing into the “not knowing”. What a wonderful and challenging intention to set for yourself and your journey on this planet. To keep going back to that way of relaxing when stepping into the unknown is almost completely counter intuitive to what our body and nervous system want to do in that space. Which is why having such a clear focus and intention is paramount on this journey towards growth, transformation and connection.
I would be curious to know WHAT you would feel when you are relaxed into the not knowing? What do you feel when you tell yourself that everything you will ever need is right here and right now? And when you define this feeling, or way of being that you are seeking to align with in this work, what does it tell you for the HOW part? How can you walk and move in a way that we are all connected and belong to each other? When the WHAT is defined, the HOW will show itself to you.
Just before signing up for this class, I had spent some time articulating my deepest held values, my strengths, dreams, visions, what I stand for… This is one of the things I wrote: “I envision Earth strengthened by a people who know themselves in intimate relationship with it. My mission is to help facilitate people’s discovery not only of their innate wildness and inextricable connection with Earth, but of their vision and gifts so that they may be a contribution to the systems in which they are embedded.” If this is my soul-sourced vision, then how am I living in alignment with it? Although part of my vision is helping others connect with their innate wildness and inextricable connection with Earth, living that also means that I am doing the same for myself. I’ve come a long way since the years of longing for more nature connection. I always wanted to be more tied to the seasons and to the outdoors, in a subsistence-living kind of way as opposed to a recreational way. I wasn’t able to make that kind of shift in my married-with-four-children-suburban lifestyle. But I did find nature connection as a practice about 10 years ago. Over time, regular sit spots, wanders, fires, tracking, scouting, foraging etc…. have helped me come into closer connection with nature and with my connection to aspects of the 8 indicators wheel. Most recently, I completed a group 9-month, one weekend a month, immersion program centered around nature connection, skills, ceremony and anti-oppression work, and with it’s coaching component, it was very much supportive of my vision. In a “dirt time” sort of way – cultivating my own wild and innate nature, and my own gifts and visions – which I think is a prerequisite for the rest of the vision. The vision statement above flowed freely from my mouth at the end of that nine months. A shift took place in me at one point where I let go of my remaining fear of the dark. Not because of increased exposure to the dark (there was plenty of that) but because I came to know myself as a part of the surroundings in such a way as to be at home. So in this way, I am living my vision at least for myself – to know my innate wildness and my intimate connection with the planet, with the mother. My next big lifestyle shift will include hopefully come further into alignment with this as well but at least the suburbs no longer hold me back from connection.
Still to come is the facilitating of personal growth through and in partnership with nature for others within a container of healthy, regenerative culture. While I have done this once in awhile on the side for years, putting my toe in the water and then pulling it back out, I want to fully claim it as my life’s work. Here, there are likely beliefs, behaviors and attitudes that need to shift. Here are some: I’m not up to holding the full container for a group and individuals within that group; I think I want a partner but who?; I need more training/credentialing before I start; I’ll screw it up in some way, and be unreliable, drop the ball; How do I roll it out?; Hiding behind the computer or behind having to spend the money to get insured and become an LLC; creating other “priorities” that get in the way of launching my program; thinking of this as on the side because I can’t possibly make a living at it (and if it’s on the side, then it’s not a priority); I’m sure there are competing commitments underneath as well. Ultimately, what all this boils down to is there’s a lot of fear lurking about myself as a leader. So I guess it’s great that I’m in this course!
Thanks for sharing Christine. I hear a lot of passion, desire and focus on manifesting your vision and that you are aware of the ways that fear shows up for you on this journey. And even though fear is there, I can also tell that your energy and fire towards living your vision is greater than the fear and setbacks currently in your way. Keep up the consistent work and tenacity and keep empowering that connection to Soul and Vision! I look forward to hearing how this relationship to your vision keeps transforming.
Also I have really enjoyed reading everyone’s posts in this section. What a journey we are all on!
I need to believe that I am worth the time and space to bring my Vision into the world. Stepping boldly on this path, continuously. Constantly. I need to write, and proclaim my dream as myself. I need to feel how my work feeds me and gives me energy and excitement to keep moving forward. I need to protect myself with an layer of oil on my skin, keeping my experience to myself, as a source of wisdom, and a comfort with my experience being unique.
I’m living in alignment with my Vision in that I have given myself the space and time to focus on bringing my vision into the world. I’ve taken steps to let myself thrive in a place where it’s easy to love myself and generate beautiful content. I’ve put a few incredibly exciting goals before myself that I want to chip away at. Abolishing the ‘shoulds’ of my world, and putting the person I want to be first. And letting everything else follow.
“I’ve taken steps to let myself thrive in a place where it’s easy to love myself and generate beautiful content.” Beautiful. I want to do this! Life circumstances are holding up a place change so I’m instead looking at how to create such space where I am.