Summary Post – Foundation Four Discussion (Due by 9/20)
Posted by Ivy Walker on March 12, 2019 at 4:10 pmSheri replied 4 years ago 8 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
I feel like this module had us digging deep to find, figure out, see what we want with our coaching practice. Who we want to work with, but also what, where, when, why, how we want to coach and who do we want to BE as a coach. For me looking at other like-minded businesses usually discouraged me, not knowing where I fit in. Now with feeling like I’ve discovered my ideal client base I feel like they are like a support system, less than competition like I did in the past. I’m sure that recent experiences and opportunities contributed to that as well 🙂
My ideal client and vision have changed over time as I heal, grow and learn along the way and that’s ok. As long as I stay true to my authentic self my coaching, my clients and practice may change with me and that’s ok too. -
Reflecting back on what we’ve learned in this module, I agree with Melody that it’s been about learning who we want our ideal client(s) to be and hows, whats and whens of what this may look like. It required all of us to look, and look again, and go deep into what our visions are for our coaching and/or programs will be. Then start to incorporate this vision into the journey we are continuing to make through this learning. As Michael told us in the latest video call, it is about the journey but also keeping sight of the end.
The readings in this module, specifically the Coyote reading, really gave me a foundation of how I see the structure of my programs unfolding. This is exciting as I start to take the idea of my vision and sit with it, grow with it and flush it out.
I have often felt challenged by the transition of theoretical/intellectual into practical/applicable. There is a often uttered cliche in the circles I frequent, “Utilize, don’t analyze.” I find that I am still stepping towards action, and not simmering in a perceived safer zone of thinking/planning/asking. I appreciate the inherent value in these steps as part of the process overall; however, I can also appreciate my tendency to sit in that pre-contemplation/contemplation state and set up shop for a good long while. Reading everyone’s responses throughout this module; through the own awareness, on a visceral level, of how my own body and heart react to the readings of this module; and having just watched some of you on the webcall that took place this past Wednesday, I can say that I am taking away so much strength and excitement to walk towards the action steps (though I am still not all that sure what those steps are! 😉 )
I am also investing (I almost wrote “re-investing” though that would imply I had formerly done so previously…which I have not!) in a regular practice of cultivating vision, dropping in to that vision, and getting pruny in there. I feel pleased with the partnering of both this visioning and taking some action steps in the development of myself as a guide, as an individual, and as a member of my community.
Cy’all in a few hours!!!!! -
For me this unit has been about re-focusing and getting back to my vision. My vision was strong when we left CO, but life interfered and the fire dimmed. This unit rekindled that fire, brought me back to myself, my vision, and those I want to serve. It also helped me realize that much of the stress that I’ve been experiencing seems normal and part of the process. My biggest takeaways are Michael’s reminders of visualization and being kind to ourselves. These are things I’ve been working on for a while now, but the reminder is helpful, and there is always room for improvement.
Embrace the present moment. Prioritize and honor the importance of my personal connection and needs for self care. All I have to offer, really, is myself: my story, my experiences, my faith, support and love. All I need is what I carry within. I easily get wrapped up in having more tools and more knowledge. That will all come in time as I am drawn to learn, experiencing more for my own self growth. What I currently have and am, is all I have to offer. Practice and experience will carry me along the path I am meant to be journeying. Being connected and open for the possibilities, willing to step into the fear in the direction of the pull, that will keep me growing and living into my fullest expression, best able to provide the care and guidance I am being called to. It is an ongoing practice. The connection keeps me clear. The curiosity keeps me leaning into the discomfort of the growing pains. The vision keeps me inspired.
A lot of work has been done on defining my Vision from a Soul’s perspective, allowing it to get defined without worrying yet about how to get there. Defining my vision will be an ongoing process and it will likely change with time, and that is part of the process.
The heart of the coaching is the coach-client relationship. Techniques are important but coaches should not be over-reliant on them. Instead, learning about the techniques is still important in order to determine if and when they apply and when to by-pass them. Among the ways to create a great client coach relationship is for the coach to be aware of the unconscious processes, being real, permission to be ourself, giving and receiving feedback all contribute to healthy relationship so is provocation and humor when done appropriately and humility, and know when it is too far to push.
In the context of professional development, it is important to consider supervision session for continued improvement, and to be able and willing to own up to doubts and mistakes and to receive feedback. In reading the chapter about Reflective Practice in the Coaching Skills Handbook, I see great value in keeping a reflective diaries on a selection of coaching sessions for my own benefit and my own learning. This is a great way to focus on me and on improving my practice. While at EBI, it is important to take advantage of all opportunities that will allow us to reflect on our work, such as online practices, meeting with our coaches and feedback from Michael. -
I’ve come to realize that for me personally the 50/50 approach is very important both in life and for coaching. Vision is a collaborative effort between both my humanity and nature…for many it seems the two are often at odds with each other. What I have come to believe, through coaching and conversation (and observation), is that when people learn to love themselves, the way they view and respond to the world is much more attuned with nature. But then again it may really be the other way around. For me connecting with the wonders and “miracles” of nature as a developing child and feeling/knowing I was an extension of the environment that I loved, fostered a love for self, and an acceptance of others. I never really bought into the capitalistic society that so often separates people from the natural world and often simultaneously fuels blame and anger and fear…which leads to much of the prejudice and violence and destruction that we are currently experiencing.
My 50/50 approach and readings of Jon Young keeps pulling me into what feels like the “deeper need” that people have in common, that is to reconnect with nature so that they can reconnect with themselves…and then everything begins to change, a viewpoint that is supported by Florence Williams’ Nature Fix. It is also supports my desire to work with adolescents, to coach them as they move into the threshold of adulthood, to recognize their value and to live a productive and balanced eco-centric life rather than to fall into the unhealthy and imbalanced patterns of an ego-centric capitalistic society.
Collaboration with nature can be subtle. The listening and observing are often nothing more than whispers and glimpses. The more one quiets to nature’s presence(presents)the clearer the “knowing” becomes and the more one’s soul is heard – as a heartbeat of the planet.-
Shari, it is a gift to hear your voice in this thread. Your life experience and description of the nature connection is such a beautiful visual. Thank you for sharing. I am excited to hear your pull to work with the adolescent age group, providing them opportunities for connection to nature and growth in awareness and love of self. Good to be with you here.