Summary Post – Foundation One Discussion (Due by 7/19)
Posted by Ivy Walker on March 13, 2019 at 5:13 pmAmber McCormick replied 5 years, 5 months ago 8 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
Reflecting back on the learnings here, I see nature as healing even stronger than when I started. From the facts/science in the readings to the interpretations and discussion between all of us. But also when talking with different folks (friends as well as people I’ve met briefly in passing), I hear this as well. And, I’m definitely more attuned to it right now! Like Michael said in our intensive, if we mention red, you see red everywhere. Well, I’ve been listening for nature connection. Talking about nature connection. Feeling nature connection. It comes up throughout everyday life if we really see/hear/feel in a 360 degree way.
This tells me that there is a strong draw for people to connect. They want to and some find it in their own ways, like us. And there are many folks out there that we can help to do this. They will be better for it and nature will be better for it as well.
There was a lot of mention of being interconnected in our online discussion, how nature is interconnected, how we are interconnected. Before our camping trip at Gunnison I knew nature was interconnected, the trees with each other, etc, but I don’t think it was until that week that I really realized how interconnected us humans could be, to people who are practically strangers, at such a deep way so quickly, and I know nature contributed to that. In each practice coaching session, there was something I could relate to, something I could learn about myself while guiding the client, or watching another person’s session.
There is more and more research coming to light on how important nature connection is and I am excited to help bring this to light in the world.
Let the fire burn <3 -
Sorry, I am likely to be posted late, by a couple of days of so.
Looking back over the Studnet Handbook for the Foundations 1 section I am amazed and thrilled with all that we have covered!
One sentence summary: Self awareness and personal growth!
This first foundation has helped me:
1.) get clear in my sense of vision – where my soul-direction is leading me, whether I was aware of it or opened to it
2.) be open to the growth I need for the path I am on into this vision – for me specifically this includes my learning to acknowledge, understand and read my personal emotions and those of others I am picking up on – plus how and where my personal grief walk will aid me in the grief work I feel lead to guide others through
3.) understand my need for deep connection to be in my fullest expression / truest self to best be able to guide others – to center myself into my ideal coaching presence – learning how to settle myself into that space in whatever environment I find myself
4.) start to put some shape to what this will look like down the road – built on a strong foundation!
5.) practice – practice – practice – thanks one and all for your openness and willingness to enter into this space of vulnerability to learn and grow and help me do the same -
Melody’s words resonate strongly with me. I have been given words and other wonderful humans to reflect the interconnected state of nature and all of us that I was not aware existed. I had shared with the group upon arriving in CO that I was, in the context of my growing business, rather disenchanted with the human spirit, the drive to connect, to heal, to work in community. This foundation has rekindled my faith, drive, and focus!
From a practical standpoint, the information covered in the readings provide so much fodder for the conversations that I have on a daily basis surrounding the efficacy of the work that I am doing, that I know we are all stewards of. I cannot tell you how many times someone has replied in their “fascination with this so-called science…”!! It is empowering, comforting and exciting to have so many strong pieces of research to draw from.
I appreciate Kim reminding me of what Michael said up on the ridge, too! I also am seeing the nature connection in all things. When my parents visit; when I got to a book club discussion on Nature Fix (read that book, y’all!!); when engaging in introductory check-ins with the groups I am facilitating; everywhere!
The Foundations modules have supplied me with reinvigorated drive and passion to bring the healing powers of our natural environment, that sense of belonging and embrace, to what I believe in my heart to be a population desperately in need of not only hearing that they are seen, welcomed, and loved–but also feeling it…knowing it through experiencing it.
Let that m___er f____ng FIRE ROAR! -
For me the interconnectedness fuels the vision. The “awe” is constant and all around me, as long as I remember to open to it with wide-angle senses, all six (and more of them). Nature is the language of the soul and spirit, it allows people to safely connect and experience the depths without the apprehension that can arise with the lingo of religion and spirituality…once there they can choose the language that describes their personal “noticing”…maybe with some help from a coach! It is my hope and dream that the conscious connecting will fuel the individual desire to be the stewards to this planet and care for it as it has cared for us.
I’ve been listening to The Nature Fix on audio…great read/listen if you are looking to balance the intuitive with the science. It’s a joy and an honor to be journeying with you all. -
Hello everyone,
I have so many takeaways, here is a non-exhaustive list in no particular order:
– Power of the community, to hold, to carry, to share the load, to encourage, to shine a light, to make the journey a bit more comfortable
– Community = interconnection (people with people, people with trees, trees with trees, well in fact that are all interconnected, hence to be sensitive to each other, to all)
– Nature heals, provides clarity and comfort
– Nature is the language of the soul and spirit
– Trust Nature will provide
– Don’t be afraid to look like you do not know what you are doing or that you do not have full control
– Nature as a doorway for people to safely connect to their inner journey
– The rich and infinite amounts analogies, symbols, metaphors in Nature to create visual and visceral connections
– Everyone has a different way to be connected to nature. That could be important to understand when incorporating into our coaching practices.
– Many ways to turn your Passion into a Profession: Outreach, grief work, create wholeness through experiences, …
– How important is the choice of words: (Exciting vs difficult), and to tailor the words based on the audience (not all audiences embraces words like soul, spirit, ceremony…)
– Vision: How does it feel?
– Passion comes with living with purpose
– Nature connection = access to Passion
– Awareness of critical boundaries and critical space
– Food to fuel the body and the inner hunger
– Stay hydrated!
– Value of the core routines to stay connected.
– Community to stay connected
– Practice, practice, practice. Use it to lose it!
– Partnership!!Let’ keep the Fire Roaring!!
To echo what Melody and Matt said, this foundation has been instrumental in putting words to much of what I’ve already felt. It has confirmed that I’m on the right path and that this is my calling. Mostly, I think it has reconnected me to my soul, a deeper knowing of the path I am on, that which is right in my life and that which needs change. I am more in touch with, and more importantly more trusting of, my intuition. I am allowing it to guide me and trusting that the places that cause me anxiety are not in line with my vision and I am seeking ways to correct them to bring them into alignment. Everything is connected and I am trusting my vision and intuition to guide me with help from nature along the way. So trust, intuition, and vision are my biggest takeaways.