TWG – Wilderness Quest Guide Pathway – Deposit


The cost of the program is $2500

$500 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a seat.

3-5 month payment plans are available.

Registration Deadline for 2022 TWG program is April 20th

The Wilderness Quest Guide pathway through the TWG certification program is for those who feel called to guide others towards personal or professional transformation through the rite of passage of the wilderness quest. This is for folks who have already participated in a Wilderness Quest Ceremony such as a Vision Quest, Healing Quest, Prophecy Quest, etc. and are looking to become guides and protectors of the Quest themselves. This is a sacred role that holds a deep, life-long level of responsibility.  Be sure your heart is calling for that!  

This training will offer hands-on experience with the preparation and planning required to successfully support a group in the wilderness. It will also include direct mentorship around designing and guiding a 24 hour wilderness experience for another participant. These hands-on and culminating experiences will happen during the summer EBI Wilderness Quest (10 days).  

Students must complete the Nature-Connected Coaching℠ program and the Wilderness Quest  in order to be considered for the TWG training. Quests outside of EBI will be considered for this pre-requisite.

*Scroll down for a detailed description of the Wilderness Quest Guide Pathway



Wilderness Quest Guide Path



The Quest is the ultimate Nature-Connected transformational experience. There is nothing that can replace its ancient, mythical, pan-cultural power. It touches each quester differently. As a guide, you learn to collaborate with that power and set your participants up for direct contact with it. Your job is to listen. 

In fact, “the listening” starts now. People often begin to to feel The Call to Quest far before their trip begins, and even before they make the commitment to Quest. Once that connection is made, their Severance begins; which means it’s time for the guides to get to work. Guides put several hours into meeting and working with potential questers, listening and helping them decide if they are ready to answer The Call. Do you see yourself there, too? Becoming a Quest Guide will take your coaching skills beyond anything we can teach you in the NCC program.

Requirements for Certification

  1. Have completed the Nature-Connected Coach certification
  2. Have quested with EBI or another similar organization
  3. Hold a Wilderness First Responder (WFR) or Wilderness Advanced First Aid certification (WAFA or AWFA). If not yet certified, we can assist with choosing the wilderness medicine certification that is right for you and your individual goals – must have completed this before the end of your TWG, but is not a prerequisite to begin the TWG. *There will be additional cost associated with this external training.


Instruction and hands-on experience in:

  • Land use permitting processes
  • Risk management planning
  • Logistics and menu planning
  • Gear and food pack-out
  • Direct mentorship in designing and guiding a 24 hour wilderness experience with a client
  • Meals during the 10 day wilderness quest


  • Regular online meetings for instruction and planning
  • 3 days of preparation directly in advance of the Quest
  • Partnering with other TWG participants to provide field support during the wilderness quest
  • Receiving direct mentorship during the wilderness quest
  • Partnering with other TWG participants to guide and be guided towards personal/professional transformation


  • Cost for Quest pathway, TWG Only (without quest participation) $2500
    • *Having quested is a prerequisite for this TWG path but outside quests will be considered. 
  • Cost for Quest pathway including quest participation $4000
    • Bundling the EBI Quest and the TWG saves you $350!
  • 3-5 month payment plans are available. 

2022 Dates

  • Pre trip calls :TBD between late April and late July, 2022
  • Trip prep days July 26-28
  • Trip dates July 29-August 7
  • Plan on returning to Boulder the evening of 8/7 for gear cleaning, packing and storage. 

*Note that we will need a minimum registration number of 2 participants to run this course. 

**Please be aware that travel and accommodation costs are the responsibility of the participant. Camping during the trip is free of charge. 

Click here to be directed to the Wilderness Retreat Facilitation Pathway through the TWG program.