Home Forums Brain and Change (Oct 2020)

  • James Huntley

    March 17, 2021 at 9:14 pm

    David, I love your summary statement. It has caused me to reflect on the times in my life that I have actually accomplished something that I set out to do (those things are heavily outweighed by thing things I’ve left unfinished;)) before I learned about the importance of intention/purpose/vision. I realize that a part of my success was that I had a vision, though sometimes vague, and I has measurable steps achievable along the way. Mix in the stages of change, and I also had to learn grace for when I backslid.
    I suppose I can learn a lot about myself by looking back on what I naturally did that for, and what I didn’t.
    I also began to ponder the concept of a life/soul intention, something we’ve been focused on since childhood that we prioritize without knowing it. I imagine there may be multiples for many of us, but that each could be boiled down to one word, I.E.: Love, explore, teach, etc.
    Anyway, that feels like quite a spin-off from your summary, but that’s what came up for me.

  • James Huntley

    March 17, 2021 at 9:21 pm

    In summary, I have learned to have so much more grace for myself and others in knowing about the stages of change, and I love passing on the information about backsliding in particularly. I love how applicable everything we’ve learned is, and how much of it can be seen in universally. I look forward to discovering new ways to apply it in supporting others.

  • Deanna

    April 28, 2021 at 7:49 pm

    Initial Post:

    Incorporating the brain science information into my sessions has been extremely valuable for my clients and my confidence as a guide. I have utilized this information in several sessions with clients. One part of the module that really inspired me was the information on the Reticular Activating System. Knowing that there is a scientific explanation to the power of intention setting has been life changing for me.

    I utilized the brain information from this module in a session with a 17-year old male client who is very logical and analytical. I explained to him the process of change in the brain, neuroplasticity, and power of ritual for lasting change. He was very inspired by these concepts. He had been struggling with lack of motivation in school. He was sometimes motivated when he would think about doing school work, but unmotivated when it came to actually doing the work. I explained to him that he is creating a new neural pathway (the motivated pathway), and that the old pathways of un-motivation can change/die with effort and time. He was much more hopeful once he heard this information.

    Overall, I feel that the information from this module can help anyone in a coaching session, especially clients who are more logic/science oriented.

  • Deanna

    April 28, 2021 at 7:57 pm


    I look forward to integrating Brain & Change 2 information into my sessions on a more regular basis. I am still grasping the concept for my own life. I think the biggest challenge is identifying when I am operating in an old, unserving pattern, or when I am operating in a closed, limbic state, and having the confidence, trust, and willingness to pause and drop-into soul. Reviewing this information reminds me of the power of taking a pause, connecting with soul, and activating the PFC. Otherwise, there is no way to see all the possibilities in life. This module is not only helpful for me in my personal life, but also as a guide. I am constantly working on staying grounded and centered with clients. The Brain & Change module reminds me of the importance of that.

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