Home Forums Foundation Three- January 2019

  • Joshua Maze

    January 3, 2021 at 11:12 pm

    As I write this summary post, it is, in fact, my final summary and my final post for NCC certification, albeit 2 years after we first met each other. This has been a long time coming. Many tears were cried along the way and my emotional resolve was put to the test.

    So, what am I taking away? So much gratitude for each and every mentor, cohort member and guest instructor who came into my life throughout this journey. I am holding on to a deeper admiration for Mother Nature and all of her gifts.
    I will honor the knowledge of wide-angle vision, deep listening, sit spots, parts work and all of the other lessons learned throughout our time together.

    What’s next for me? Only time will tell. My current pursuit will have me serving new families as they transition to parenthood. Though it is not specifically nature related, I will continue to use the skills learned as a coach, to be able to be present for my clients.

    Lastly, this program has taught me the importance of maintaining your mental health. I will continue to fight for my emotional wellbeing and take with me the lessons learned through EBI as I better myself.

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