Participate in the Online Discussion Partswork (April 2019)
Joshua Maze replied 4 years, 3 months ago 12 Members · 43 Replies
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I found working with partswork to be very informative. Both in a session as well as for me personally. I was working with someone, and we had talked about confronting different parts that were at odds over him wanting to quit his job. A bit of back story. He felt conflicted with how he was living his life. On one hand he was following the voice of a part of him (child) that wanted to quit his job, but on the other hand the other part of him (worker) was not allowing it. He wasn’t happy and he was able to embody the voice of the child to find out why he wanted to quit. It was not what he wanted to do, he hated it, and there was a sense of life being passed by while he withered away. The worker voice didn’t know anything else but this work. He was created to do this part. The more he talked though the more he realized that this part was afraid to leave. He could still exist, but not in the way that was suitable for the child and the client as a whole. We went through some experimentation where the part could exist in a different role. We practiced some pendulating to allow the worker part to feel what it was like to be in this different position. He ended up seeing that it wasn’t as bad as he originally made it out to be. We ended with the client having some homework to practice more of this at home, and see how the result look. As well as to notice what obstacles pop up along the way that will keep him from accomplishing what he wants. -
Summary Post
I found partswork helpful for allowing the clients to explore more about themselves. Having the ability to embody a particular part opens up new doorways of perspective, and ways to look at the world. For my own purpose I have used it for the same thing. If I have a problem somewhere in my life I look inward to see what part is unhappy. I try to get the soul involved to have a little conversation about the issue at hand. Combining this with brain and change has really opened up avenues for me to work in. Talking with the client about what is happening inside of them during change, and with certain parts is a powerful tool to have in life.
*Initial Post*
I am WAY late to this assignment. So, for the purposes of this post, I will use myself and my experiences with PartsWork. I do not currently have nay clients that I use PartsWork with.
Nature played an intricate role in the PartsWork experience. During the exercise, we were invited to go out onto the land and designate certain trees, rocks, etc. as parts. I found it helpful to have the 2-dimensional mandala expressed in a 3-dimensional way.
One aspect of parts work that I always find a little odd is remembering to talk in first person, from the place of the part. I understand the purpose of this, but sometimes it is difficult to remember to use the right language. We are also asked to address the parts, “empty chair” style. Once I was able to get out of my own head, I was able to do the work, without concern if I was doing it right or not.
It is helpful to have a coach who understands and appreciates PartsWork. If they are fully onboard, the process will fall apart. Luckily, this cohort has many people who are very skilled at using this technique. It allowed me to get to know the parts, instead of getting hung up on process.
PartsWork has helped me to fully see and appreciate all my parts, even the ones I want to label as “bad”. What this has taught me about Nature Connected Coaching specifically is that I’m not sure if I want to be an NCC after graduation. I can see myself using these tools in other coaching practices, though.
My vision is to serve new dads working through postpartum depression. I could see this being used to help him uncover some of the reasons behind the depression and fear and anxiety he is experiencing at the birth of his child. At this point, I do not know how much of a nature component my Postpartum practice will have. It is possible that I take dad out into nature for our sessions, but my instinct will be to have the sessions in the home. Only time will tell.
**Summary Post**
I really like PartsWork, because I find it to be accessible to most clients and coaches and is easily transferable to types of coaching other than NCC. It really allows the client to take a deep look at their soul and the many aspects of their life. I hope to have the opportunity to use this more as I establish my practice.
While working with my client parts work came into the session when analyzing a big decision/step in my clients life. Working parts with my client really showed my how valuable parts work can be, especially when looking at big decisions or any internal conflict. During the session we incorporated nature with the “empty seat” exercise. Using trees rocks and whatever else the client felt was necessary. Using physical things in nature seemed to really break down the scenario, pulled it out of the clients head and became more clear. At first I was having slight difficulty in facilitating this exercise. I didn’t know how directive or passive in the process I should be. I found that once in the exercise taking more of a directive role in helping the experiment play out had more effective results. I learn that I have some hesitation in letting go and letting nature do its thing. I believe I need to open up space for my clients to explore and mirror with nature more. When thinking about coaching in the future, I will be using parts work fairly often. I think it is a very beneficial tool when clients are facing internal conflict or confusion, as well as facing big decisions. I think parts work could enhance coaching presence simply by knowing my clients better after working with them/their mandala, as well as using this tool to help create awareness for clients.
Hi Ben Marchman,
That is really cool that you were able to try a different angle with parts work to get it to connect with your client. I have had a similar trouble getting my client to connect with parts work so I will try to be more creative. You are certainly the coyote guide when it comes to getting your client to speak at more of a soul connected level. I hope to do as well as you some day! -
Hi Josh,
Sounds like using parts work on yourself has helped you personally as well as helping you understand how it works better. I suspect if I use it on myself on a regular basis, I will be more comfortable with it as well. -
*Summary Post*
This part of the course was like the open-ended questions of the toolbox. There is so many places to take these tools, especially out in nature which inspires imagination. Where you take it depends on the deeper need and the deeper need can develop further with Gestalt. I also like hearing how others use Gestalt because all of you think of creative things that I have not.*Initial post*
• What steps did you take to establish the Coaching Relationship and focus the session?
• How did or could PartsWork fit into your nature-connected coaching session?
• How did or could you collaborate with Nature and combine PartsWork and Coaching principles?
• What challenges did you face? How did you adapt?
• What flowed and how did you build off it?
• What did you learn about yourself and nature-connected coaching?
• How do the readings relate and interact with the face to face material and your work with your practice clients?
• What ideas do you have for how you might use PartsWork and nature-connected coaching in the future with your client?
• How does PartsWork effect or enhance your Coaching Presence and approach?
• How does Nature-Connected Practices, and PartsWork interface?I haven’t had the opportunity to use trees and nature to practice with parts work much. I think because I mostly work in an office. I have used the concept to a in integrative manual therapy client organize her thoughts and feelings about a particular issue.
I was first alerted to the possibility of using this tool when my client said. “A part of me wants to pursue my writing.” I noticed opposing forces creating difficulty for my client understanding what she wanted. We were working indoors but I explained a parts work homework she could start with. First looking at herself as dynamic and having many facets. I invited her to list her parts so that we might discover who was opposing her with her writing project.
I learned that I could grab opportunities to use parts work instead of trying to force parts work. Listening for those key words helped me to see if parts work fit in this situation.
The next time I saw this client, she seemed more comfortable with the concept of different parts.
To enhance my use of parts work, I am going to practice more on myself. I think that I need a stronger connection to this tool so I can inspire people to explore it. -
*Summary Post*
It’s not that I don’t connect with Partswork, I have felt the effects of my specific parts coming out and letting go some of the emotional energy that they were holding. Maybe after working with it, I’ll feel more comfortable with it. I think perhaps I have some very charged parts and doing this work really gets my sympathetic nervous system going. I could be projecting my disconnection with it on others.
Lisa, I too have enjoyed partswork, and for many of the same reasons. I appreciate that it de-pathologizes and can help the client to see their greater self. As you have stated, an advantage of partswork is that it can be used outside of the sessions. For me, I have a mandala up in my kitchen that I reorganize routinely. It’s helpful to have been given a tool that allows self-reflection. And for my part, I appreciate that you see the value in partswork as a therapist. I have found partswork to be the most helpful tool in mapping out my mental health and I wish therapists throughout the years had given me the opportunity for such introspection.