Home Forums Deep Nature Connection Sit Area

  • Melanie

    September 27, 2023 at 1:26 pm

    I am currently participating in a 30 day sit area challenge. I have time set aside each morning to practice, and if my morning gets away from me, I have so far been successful in setting aside time at night. My sit areas are my front porch and a wooded area adjacent to the land we live on. Both are easily accessible and quiet. I traveled to a beloved spot this weekend and was able to sit in a couple of areas on that land, and this week, I have in mind to go to another secret spot that is nearby. This secret spot is on land that surrounds a reservoir and has a small brook running through it. In the past, I have not been near the water, but I now intend to find secluded spot near the brook. This sit area challenge has solidified a practice I started when I did a forest bathing program last year. It also gives me ample opportunity to integrate with my earth-based spiritual practices, which help me to connect with the elements in an even deeper way. Loving this!

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