Forum Replies Created

  • Eileen

    October 12, 2023 at 6:23 pm

    I have found this mediation powerful and a great build on the sensory awareness exercises done in previous module. Taking meditation outdoors and into nature is very new to me. As I practice more regularly, I sense and feel myself going deeper into the core of my being. I really appreciate this meditation at this time since I had fallen off the tracks somewhat – good to be back.

  • Eileen

    August 13, 2023 at 3:13 pm

    Yet again another great exercise. As thgis module is coming to a close for me, I really feel a rewiring of my brain has occurred. i am noting a deeper level of listening and greater capacity to track during coaching sessions. Mmore specifically, re Triggers and Movement – I loved the approach of slowing down movement- very effective in being awareness into the present. Triggers seem so important to activate a desired state… for me I am developing a time-intervaled ritual of being in the moment and doing some brief mental exercises (akin to being in the gym) – typically before meal times – positive effect also slowing down my meal times.

  • Eileen

    August 7, 2023 at 12:39 pm

    While I have taken time to work on the previous senory skills prior to contact experience session and exercise, I really am grateful that I took this time. I found myself connecting deeply to nature – embracing an embodied experience as if energy was flowing and light glowing around my solar plexis. I connected with a ‘fern’ on a quiet country road in the west of Ireland. I actually feel that since I started this module my brain has changed in a way that I can more readily quieten my busy thoughts. Learning to be ‘in the moment’ for me is certainly strengthening. Thank you nature and thank you ‘fern’. .

  • Eileen

    August 1, 2023 at 3:20 pm

    FSA – a very powerful excercise but one that takes time to practice. Very powerful in tuning into surroundings with awareness of how much infomration one can take in. I found this very effective in quieting my mind and opening my mind to going beyond the surface of what I am hearing, seeing, sensing etc. As a coach, this exercise has awakened me further still to ‘waiting in anticipation’. I am getting so much from these exercises not just as a coach but also in my personal life.

  • Eileen

    July 26, 2023 at 2:32 pm

    Similar to experiening Surround Sound, open vision has prompted and helped me to strengthen my sense of anticipation and has expanded my sense of awarness. Big take away for me is the realisation that I can be very quick to focusing on what is infront of me – tunnel vision rather that exercising an open mind through vision. Also drew my awareness to a tendency to multitask at times- as if taking in too much at one time -looking in all directions. I really appreciate the relaxing effect of this exercise on my mind. As a coach, I am finding these exercises excellent in terms of waiting in anticipation, and being curious about what might arise.

  • Eileen

    July 23, 2023 at 4:59 pm

    Suround sound was a new experience for me. I was amazed at how much it quitened my mind opening my awarness to the power of deeper listening. I found myself immersed in an experience of anticipation which reinforced for me the importance of waiting through listening to what lies below the surface of what a client is saying – akin to the subtlety of the ‘far off sounds’ Tuning into the experience of anticipation enhanced my sense of curiosity.